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Alumni story: Jenna Deutsch, Advertising and PR, '13

Jenna Deutsch is a 2013 graduate of the School of Communication (BS-Advertising and PR) and worked at SapientNitro as Interactive Project Manager before moving to Fitbit in 2016 as Program Manager in the Field Testing Department where she helps to test every product or feature of a product “before it goes out the door.”

Jenna Deutsch

Since leaving RIT she has realized that she really wants to be an industrial engineer, but will always appreciate what her advertising and PR background from the School of Communication has meant to her. She believes that the presentation skills and the ability to work with groups of people were valuable takeaways from her time at RIT.

Jenna recalls fondly the people she met while at RIT whether through classes, co-ops or jobs on campus and through the School of Communication and especially the faculty and how helpful they were while she was in school and after graduation.

The interview was conducted on Monday, Jan. 9, 2017 in a slightly noisy coffee shop in Boston by Mike Johansson, Senior Lecturer in the School of Communication.

Read the transcript

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